Friday, February 07, 2020

Hawes and Askrigg, North Pennine


Wensleydale Creamery and Aysgill Force

We started with a very foggy morning

Clicking on the way from the car 
The Sun slowly started to rise and dispersed the fog

River Ure

Arrived to Hawes
The Wensleydale Creamery,
cheese factory

We visited the large shop in there with lots of goods
We had to wait a bit for seeing the exhibition
So meanwhile we jumped over to look for Aysgill Force a little more than a kilometre far
Luckily just managed to knock the door for the farm owner (right) who told us we can go see the Force through their land. Just needed to go down the hill next to the barm (left) nearby. 
You can hear the roaming force right from the road.


After relaxing at the force we turned back to the factory to take part on the tour

Wallace and Gromit loves Wednesdale cheese
and it is part of their life

Moving on to our next destination
